SC Phenoms
South Carolina's Premier AAU
Basketball Program

The 2012 AAU Season Marked the Inaugural Season for SC Phenoms​!
The SC Phenoms were founded by Stan Carpenter after much prayer, guidance and support from friends and family.
They started with 3 teams, a 7th Grade Boys Team coached by Tony Coleman and Jason Littlefield, a 9th Grade Girls team (made up primarily of 8th Graders!) coached by Marie Martez and Eric Gray and a 10th Grade Boys team coached by Stan Carpenter and Steve Medley.
Vision and Mission Statement
The vision of SC Phenoms is to create opportunities for our youth to learn basketball at a high level and promote them in a way that they will receive
College scholarships. We will also focus on academics, community service and developing their social skills.
It is our mission to develop young men and women that are equipped to change the world by providing them with the proper leadership and guidance.
Our program will focus on developing the elite athletes and giving them exposure to College Coaches by establishing events for that reason

History of the SC Phenoms